T.R.A.P. Radiation Filters in Stock!

We have just received our first shipment of TRAP radiation filters and I am so excited to have them available for sale at Highwater Filters. The TRAP home water filter was developed by NuWater Concepts after the recent earthquake in Japan and the subsequent nuclear disaster that has left many citizens of Japan, and others across the globe, feeling vulnerable to the fallout of iodine-131, cesium-127, and other radioisotopes. Now you can rest easier knowing that the TRAP radiation filter removes radioactive particles from your drinking water. How does it do it? With a proprietary layered blend of activated carbon, zeolite, and polymer beads. The TRAP is the first home water filter of its kind to directly address the immediate needs of people facing the dangers from nuclear fallout. We've got two different countertop housings to hold the TRAP filter. I hope to add an undercounter model sometime in the future. Everything is made in the U.S.A. I am thrilled that I can ship the TRAP radiation water filters to Japan and worldwide. Cost estimates for shipping are available when you add to your shopping cart. For more information, check out my Highwater Filters website. Thanks for reading!


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