Major Credit Card Breach Does Not Affect Highwater Filters
In case you've heard about the major breach of credit card processor Global Payments, please be assured that if you are a Highwater Filters customer, your credit card information was not processed through Global Payments.
I just called my merchant services representative and was assured that they do not have any affiliation with Global Payments.
It's always a good idea to watch your credit card statements vigilantly and report any strange activity. Thieves are getting more and more sophisticated. This latest cyber-crime is suspected of originating in the Dominican Republic with possible Central American links. It can sometimes be impossible to catch crooks involved with organized crime in foreign countries. It's a growing problem.
At Highwater Filters, we have taken extra steps to guarantee a risk-free transaction. Our website is scanned by TrustWave every month. We are working on meeting all the necessary requirements to become PCI compliant and look forward to better security measures from the credit card processing industry to avoid any other breaches like the one we are seeing unfold.
This article from CNN Money states that business accounts are the most vulnerable. Any merchant that you purchased from whose data was breached is now obligated to contact you to tell you as soon as possible. But do check your statements!
Thanks for reading!